Matthew's work re-establishes the link between pottery and place. It is an artistic expression of the geology of the earth where pots represent our relationship with, and dependency on, the planet. Each piece is entirely created from rocks and clays from individual locations around the country. Provenance and time are fundamental. There are no shortcuts to this work; Matthew researches, collects, and prepares every material himself. It is a labour of love producing work that ultimately illustrates the ceramic and geological character of that place.

Matthew Blakely portrait
Matthew Blakely image

Matthew uses these materials as unrefined as possible, blending rocks from specific places to produce glazes that are entirely coloured and textured by the mineralogy of these locations. Every rock must be crushed, ground, and sieved with then countless tests to find the combination of rocks that create a beautiful glaze.

Matthew uses two thermally efficient kilns built next to open Cambridgeshire fields. The kilns are fuelled using local waste wood and are designed to produce as little smoke as possible, reducing the emission of pollutants. Matthew also minimises his impact by keeping his firings relatively short, relying instead on his expert material and wood firing knowledge to achieve his unique results.